I've been experimenting with part sheets. For non-fusers that is a single sheet of glass with glass powder, frit, stringers or whatever you want to put on it to create your own sheet of art glass. Bullseye have a useful 'tips and tricks' sheet online to guide you through the basics.
I started with 3 mm tekta, added powders and coarse frit.
These are a few of them, some already cut up. I also used some silver foil (leaf) to create reactions with the French vanilla and blue glass.
As I wanted the cabochons to be quite large, around 30 mm, I cut the pieces to 20 mm and stacked the glass to about 16 mm high. I cut a square of Tekta for the bottom, stacked 2 pieces of the part sheet on top of this, then added a lid of Tekta. The one on the far right I have laid the part sheet pieces end on in a row (like books on a shelf!) Then there is another piece of Tekta on top. I wasn't sure if it would hold together, luckily it did.
There is a 'tips & tricks' sheet for this on the Bullseye website. The firing schedule is fairly long to make sure the glass melts down to approx 6 mm and rounds off into a circle.
Here they are. I am particularly pleased with the far left one, it's so three dimensional, and the silver has reacted beautifully with the turquoise and French vanilla.